Rainbow Refugee Committee is an organization that supports LGBTI+ asylum seekers. They offer information and support through their discussion group called ‘Rainbow Refugee Mentoring’." These groups, where LGBTI+ asylum seekers can connect with recognized LGBTI+ refugees, take place twice a month in Brussels.
For more information, you can reach out to Rainbow Refugee Committee via email: [email protected].
Rainbow Houses serve as meeting places for all LGBTI+ people. There is one in every province. These can be found on the websites of
- çavaria (Flanders)
- Prisme (Wallonia)
- Rainbowhouse (Brussels)
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen operates an info line where individuals can receive assistance and referrals for issues related to asylum and migration. They also offer professional psychosocial support through the organization Solentra. Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen is not an LGBTI+ organization.
CAW (Centre for general welfare work) is another organization that provides free and easily accessible support for various requests, including those from asylum seekers and refugees. You can reach out via email, chat and telephone or via one of their physical locations. You can read more about their support in their brochure for refugees. CAW is not an LGBTI+ organization.
Please be aware that such organizations, whose aim is to help vulnerable people as easily as possible, often do not have the resources or staff to help everyone immediately. Please keep in mind that there may be waiting times, including for replies to e-mails.