In addition to their general refugee helpline, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen also has a specific telephone number for legal questions: 02 205 00 55. You can call them every weekday from 9.00 to 12.30 and on Wednesdays also from 13.30 to 17.00.
Nansen is a group of legal experts who offer advice and assistance to refugees. You can contact them via their email address [email protected]. Alternatively, you can directly get in touch with any of their lawyers. To learn more about them, visit their website nansen-refugee.be.
CAW (Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk) assists individuals with different types of support. Their services are free and easily accessible. You can contact them by email, chat, phone or in person. You can find more information in their leaflet for refugees.
Casa Legal provides legal help to people in a vulnerable position. It's an organization made up of four lawyers working with social workers and psychologists. They are located in Brussels and work in French. You can make an appointment via e-mail, phone or the contact form.
Please be aware that such organizations, whose aim is to help vulnerable people as easily as possible, often do not have the resources or staff to help everyone immediately. Please keep in mind that there may be waiting times, including for replies to e-mails.
You can find a summary by province on the website of 'Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering' (dutch).
Contact Myria, the federal migration centre, via telephone, mail or their website.
The asylum procedure is complex. The services above can support you in this matter. In addition, a lawyer can help you to avoid mistakes in the process. In theory, every asylum seeker has the right to obtain legal advice. In reality there are, unfortunately, long waiting lists for these services.
Do you want to search for a lawyer yourself? You can find lawyers listed on the website advocaat.be (dutch). You can specifically search for a lawyer who specializes in 'immigration law and asylum' (thema: asiel rechten, asielaanvraag, immigratie, vreemdelingenrecht).